Hand Mudras - Symbols of Deeper Meaning

The symbolic gestures of the hands of Buddha images, called mudras, are picture tools of identification of deeper meaning:

Bhumisparsha -

Gesture of Witness - This gesture is also called "thouching the earth" mudra or "calling the earth to witness" mudra. The right arm is pendent over the right knee. The hand with the palm turned inward and all the fingers extended downward with the finger touching the lotus throne. The left hand lies on the lap with palm upward. This gesture symbolizes Shakyamunis victory over  Mara. The  Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya shows the same Mudra.

Gesture of Teaching
Gesture of Teaching The Gesture of Teaching (Dharmacakra Mudra) with both hands in front of the breast, tips of the index finger and the thumps touching.
Gesture of Teaching
Gesture of Compassion The Gift bestowing Gesture of Compassion (Varada Mudra) the right hand pendant with the palm turned outwards. Gesture of Teaching
Gesture of Teaching
Gesture of Meditation The Gesture of Meditation (Samadhi Mudra) with both hands resting on the lap, palms upwards.
Gesture of Fearlessness

The Gesture of Fearlessness (Abhaya Mudra) the right hand slightly elevated, the palm turned outwards, also called the Gesture of Renunciation.

Gesture of Teaching
Gesture of Debate

The Gesture of Debate explaining the Buddha’s teachings (Vitaka Mudra) with the hands raised and the tips of the forefingers and the thumbs touch each other.

Gesture of Teaching
Gesture Warding off Evil

The Gesture Warding off Evil (Tarjani Mudra) with forefinger and little finger outstretched.

Gesture of Teaching Gesture of Prayer

The Gesture of Prayer (Namaskara Mudra) with the palms folded together.

Gesture Beyond Misery

The Gesture Beyond Misery (Buddha-Shramana Mudra) also called an ascetic’s Gesture of Renunciation.

Gesture of Warding off Evil

The Gesture of Warding off Evil (Bhutadamara Mudra) this is a protection gesture.

"Gesture of ascetic"
Shramanamudrâ - also called renunciation mudra. The hand point downwards away from the body as a symbol for renunciation of  secular pleasures.

 "Gesture of Threatining"
Tarjana - This gesture is also called "warning"-mudra. Only the index finger os raised while the other fingers are locked up in the fist. You can find abhayamudrâ sometimes also as a left-hand gesture. This mudra is characteristics of most of the wrathful deities.